10 Essential Tips for How to Store Caravan When Not in Use

Owning a caravan is an amazing experience, but what about those times when it’s not in use? Proper storage is essential to keep your caravan in great shape, ready for your next adventure. In this blog post, we’ll share ten essential tips on “how to store a caravan or campervan when not in use” that will help you store your caravan like a pro, ensuring it stays in the best condition possible, even when it’s not out on the road.

Short Summary

  • Prepare your caravan for storage by emptying, cleaning and checking components.
  • Protect it from external factors with a cover & secure locks/clamps on the hitch & wheels.
  • Maintain records to keep them in top condition, plus update insurance policy before storing.

Preparing Your Caravan for Storage

Before you store your caravan, make sure it’s prepared properly. This includes emptying all your belongings, cleaning the interior, and checking various components.

By doing this, you’ll not only keep your caravan in top condition, but you’ll also ensure it’s ready to hit the road for your next trip without any surprises.

Man Cleaning air con in a caravan

Emptying the Caravan

The first step in preparing your caravan for storage is to remove all items from the interior, including food and gas bottles. This will prevent infestations and mould growth during storage. Don’t forget to also unload items from the fridge and freezer, as leaving them inside can lead to unpleasant odours when you use the caravan again.

Emptying the caravan ensures it stays clean and fresh for your next adventure.

Cleaning the Interior

A clean caravan is a happy caravan! Before storing your caravan, thoroughly clean the interior by scrubbing and wiping down surfaces, vacuuming carpets, and cleaning the toilet chamber. This will maintain the caravan’s condition and prevent mould growth and odours during storage.

Plus, a clean van’s interior means less work for you when it’s time to hit the road again.

Checking Components

The last thing you want is to discover a problem with your caravan when you’re ready to hit the road for your next trip. Before storing your caravan, inspect and replace any necessary components, such as the anode rod and water filter. This will help prevent complications down the road and ensure your caravan is in top shape when you need it.

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your caravan in good condition. Check the brakes, wheel bearings, etc.

Maintaining Caravan Batteries and Electrical Systems

Caravan batteries and electrical systems are essential components that need proper care and maintenance, even when your caravan is in storage. By keeping batteries charged and protecting electrical components, you’ll save money on battery replacements and ensure your caravan is ready to go when you need it.

Caravan Battery set up

Charging Batteries

Batteries are essential for powering your caravan’s appliances and systems, so keeping them charged during storage is crucial. One way to ensure your batteries stay juiced up is by using solar panels or a 240V power source.

By keeping your batteries charged, you’ll avoid the hassle and expense of buying new ones and ensure your caravan is ready for your next trip.

Protecting Electrical Components

Electrical components in your caravan need to be protected during storage to prevent damage and ensure they function properly when you need them. One way to protect these components is by covering the hitch coupling with a waterproof material, such as an upside-down bucket.

This simple step keeps your caravan’s electrical components safe and in good working order.

Proper Caravan Storage Location

Selecting the right storage location for your caravan is crucial for maintaining its condition. Factors like level surfaces, undercover storage, and avoiding overhanging trees should be considered when choosing a storage spot.

By picking the right location, you’ll minimize wear and tear on your caravan and ensure it stays in great shape while not in use.

Level Surface

Storing your caravan on a level surface is important for protecting the tires and maintaining the proper functioning of gas appliances. Using a spirit level or cross-check leveller on the drawbar ensures your caravan is parked on a flat surface.

This will help extend the lifespan of your tires and keep your gas fridge running smoothly.

Undercover Storage

Parking your caravan undercover is an excellent way to minimize wear and tear caused by exposure to the elements. If you don’t have a raised roof garage or carport, consider looking for specialized storage facilities or other suitable van undercover options.

By storing your caravan undercover, you’ll protect it from sun damage, rain, and other external factors impacting its overall condition.

Avoiding Overhanging Trees

When selecting a storage location for your caravan, it’s important to avoid overhanging trees, as they can cause debris, moisture, and insect infestations. To prevent these issues, ensure your storage spot is clear of low-hanging branches and foliage. Doing so will minimize potential damage to your caravan during storage and keep it in top shape for your next adventure.

Protecting Your Caravan from External Factors

Beyond choosing the right storage location, there are additional steps you can take to protect your caravan from external factors. Investing in a caravan cover, preventing pests, and securing the caravan are some key measures to keep your caravan safe and well-maintained during storage.

Caravan covers are designed to protect your caravan from the elements, such as rain, snow, and rain.

Investing in a Caravan Cover

A caravan cover is a simple yet effective way to shield your caravan from the elements and reduce wear and tear from the sun. When choosing a caravan cover, opt for one that is UV rated and made of multiple layers of polypropylene for added protection.

Investing in a caravan cover’ll help maintain your caravan’s condition and ensure it’s ready for your next journey.

Pest Prevention

Pests can cause significant damage to your caravan’s interior if left unchecked. Cover pipes and vents with wire mesh to prevent critters from entering the caravan during storage. Keep your caravan clean and free of food residue and bird poo to discourage pests from making it their home.

By taking these measures, you’ll protect your caravan from unwanted intruders and safeguard its condition during storage.

Securing the Caravan

Protect your caravan from theft during storage by securing the hitch and wheels with locks or clamps. By taking this simple security measure, you’ll not only deter potential thieves but also have peace of mind knowing your caravan is safe and secure while not in use.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to safeguarding your investment!

Caring for the Caravan’s Interior During Storage

While the exterior of your caravan is important, it’s also crucial to care for the interior during storage. Ensuring proper ventilation, using moisture absorbers, and caring for the fridge and freezer are all vital steps in maintaining the interior of your caravan while it’s not in use.

Following these tips will keep your caravan’s interior in top shape, ready for your next adventure.

man Cleaning caravan solar panels


Keeping your caravan well-ventilated during storage is essential to prevent mould growth and odours. To promote air circulation, leave interior doors, drawers, and roof hatches open.

Additionally, close all window blinds to keep the direct sunlight out and maintain a comfortable temperature inside the caravan. By ensuring proper ventilation, you’ll preserve the interior of your caravan and keep it in great condition for your next trip.

Moisture Absorbers

Moisture absorbers are your best friends when it comes to protecting your caravan’s interior from mould and odours. Place moisture absorbers or bowls of bicarb soda around the caravan, especially in nooks and crannies, to prevent mould growth. Be sure to check and replace them every couple of months to maintain their effectiveness.

Using moisture absorbers’ll keep your caravan fresh and ready for your next adventure.

Fridge and Freezer Care

Before storing your caravan, it’s important to clean and defrost the fridge and freezer doors to prevent mould growth and unpleasant odours. To do this, unplug the appliances and allow them to air dry for a few hours with the freezer doors ajar.

Once they’re completely dry, give them a good clean with a damp cloth. Remember to leave the doors slightly open during storage to promote air circulation and prevent mould and odours from developing.

Maintaining Tyres and Suspension

Your caravan’s tyres and suspension system are crucial to its overall performance and safety. To ensure they remain in good condition during storage, regularly check wheel bearings and tire tread, lubricate components, and turn the wheels every two months.

By following these maintenance tips, you’ll extend the lifespan of your tyres and suspension system and ensure a smooth and safe ride on your next trip.

Wheel Bearings and Tyre Tread

Before storing your caravan, be sure to inspect and maintain the wheel bearings and tire tread. Doing so will prevent complications on your next trip and keep your caravan in top shape.

Regularly checking these components can help you spot any potential issues before they become bigger problems, ultimately saving you time and money in the long run.

Lubricating Components

Lubricating the hitch and stabilizers of your caravan with WD-40 or silicone spray is essential for keeping them in good condition during storage. Regularly applying lubricant to these components protects them from rust and wear, ensuring they continue to function properly when you need them.

Turning Wheels

Turn the wheels every two months during storage to prevent flat spots on your caravan’s tyres caused by prolonged weight. This simple maintenance task will help extend the lifespan of your tyres and ensure a smooth ride when you hit the road again.

After all, no one wants to deal with a bumpy ride or tire issue on their next adventure!

Water System Maintenance

A well-functioning water system is essential for a comfortable caravanning experience. Before storing your caravan, be sure to empty the water tanks and clean the pipes. By doing so, you’ll avoid stale water taste and potential damage to the water system, ensuring it’s in top condition when needed.

Emptying Water Tanks

Emptying all water tanks before storage is vital to prevent stale water taste and potential damage to your caravan’s water system. Be sure to flush out the tanks thoroughly, removing any remaining water or debris.

This will help keep your grey water tank and water system clean and ready for use when you embark on your next caravan trip.

Cleaning Pipes

Cleaning the pipes in your caravan is an important maintenance task to ensure a well-functioning water system. Use a mixture of bicarb and vinegar to clean the pipes, then cover them with fabric to prevent critters and wasps from entering during storage. You’ll maintain a healthy water system for your next caravanning adventure by keeping your pipes clean and protected.

Insurance and Documentation

Caravan insurance and proper documentation are essential aspects of responsible caravan ownership. Before storing your caravan, ensure your insurance is up-to-date and maintain records of maintenance tasks and component replacements.

By staying organized and informed, you’ll protect your investment and ensure a hassle-free experience when it’s time to hit the road again.

Updating Insurance

Before storing your caravan, it’s important to check and update your insurance policy to ensure it provides adequate coverage during storage. Contact your insurance provider or log in to your account to review your policy and make any necessary changes.

By updating your insurance, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your caravan is protected, even when it’s not in use.

Maintenance Records

Keeping a record of maintenance tasks and component replacements is crucial for staying organized and informed about your caravan’s condition. Whether you prefer a notebook or a digital tracking system, consistently documenting your maintenance efforts will help you stay on top of any necessary repairs or updates.

Plus, having a comprehensive maintenance history can be beneficial when it comes time to sell your caravan or transfer ownership. This record can give potential buyers peace of mind, knowing that the caravan has been well cared for.

Regular Checks During Storage

While your caravan is in storage, it’s important to perform regular checks on both the exterior and interior to maintain its condition and address any issues that may arise. By staying proactive and vigilant, you’ll ensure your caravan remains in top shape and is ready to go when needed.

Regular checks should include inspecting the roof, windows, and doors for any signs of damage.

Exterior Inspection

Regularly inspect your caravan’s exterior for signs of damage, pests, or other issues during storage. This includes checking the roof, windows, doors, and tires for any potential problems.

By keeping an eye on your caravan’s exterior, you’ll be able to address any issues promptly and keep your caravan in excellent condition for your next adventure.


In conclusion, storing your caravan properly is essential for maintaining its condition and ensuring it’s ready for your next trip. By following these 10 essential tips, including proper preparation, maintenance, and regular checks, you’ll protect your investment and enjoy a hassle-free caravanning experience. So, go ahead and give your caravan the care and attention it deserves, and get ready for your next adventure!

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